A container for Senegal

The circus container has arrived in Dakar

Current status as at 15.2.2021

In mid-January, Gian Cadonau and Kurt Bucher from our Plume association traveled to the Senegalese capital Dakar to hand over a container full of donated circus material to the people in charge of the Sencirk social circus. We had to be patient until the time came: the container from Sirnach arrived at the circus tent in Dakar two weeks late. However, this gave Gian and Kurt enough time to spend with the Sencirk animators and see how circus play can give homeless children and young people more self-confidence. The Sencirk team does an incredible job.

On February 2, the time had come: the full container was delivered to the Sencirk. We had just enough time – under the supervision of the customs authorities – to open the container, unload the material and hand it over to the Sencirk. “The people really enjoyed the things we brought them.” This joy was made possible by more than 200 people who supported the Plume association and its Senegal project with around 25,000 francs and countless donations in kind.

A container full
Circus to Senegal

Current status as at 16.12.2020

We did it: Within four weeks, we from the Plume association collected donations of money and goods and were able to fill the container on December 16, 2020. Full of circus material for the Dakar-based social circus “Sencirk”. He works with homeless children and young people to give them courage and self-confidence.

We are overwhelmed and touched by the reactions and donations of money and goods received. Many thanks to everyone who supported us. The social circus “Sencirk” will be delighted to receive the container with all the material in mid-January. Gian Cadonau and Kurt Bucher from the Plume association will be on site in Dakar when the container arrives and will support the “Sencirk” in unloading, setting up and furnishing it.

The container loading team from 16.12.2020 (from left to right): Christa Kostgeld, Dagmar Cadonau, Kurt Bucher and Gian Cadonau.

Appeal for donations

We even exceeded the original donation target of CHF 22,130: as at 16.12.2020
CHF 24,000 was received. We are overwhelmed, grateful and continue to be delighted
about further support.

On the one hand, we have additional positions in the Senegal-Sencirk project that are still uncertain.
(customs, transportation within Dakar). And: everything that comes in on top, we take very
for our other Plume projects that we would like to tackle in 2021. In the Ukraine,
in southern Italy and Nigeria.

Your money goes 1:1 into our non-profit organization Plume, into our projects.
Thanks to you and your contributions, we enable circus play without borders for disadvantaged children and young people all over the world.

Die Geldspenden  benötigen wir für:


CHF 2'500


Der Container bleibt in Dakar und wird nach dem Transport zum Zirkusbüro und Materiallager umfunktioniert.

10 Meter Bodenturn-
läufer für
CHF 1'500


Eine perfekte Bodenunterlage - für Gymnastik, Akrobatik oder Training.
CHF 150 pro Meter, Total 10 Meter

Koffer für Spitalbesuche
CHF 600


Ein Utensilienkoffer
für die Spitalbesuche
der Sencirk-Artisten.

Transport nach Senegal
CHF 6'500


Transportkosten von Sirnach über Rotterdam auf dem Seeweg nach Dakar. Inkl. Verzollung und Montage vor Ort.

4 Leitern
CHF 150


4 Leitern für akrobatische Slapsticks

Trapez 2-stöckig
CHF 400


Ein zweistöckiges, neuwertiges Trapez für die Luftnummern, von Unicycle Frankreich

Hula Hoop Ringe
CHF 300


20 Profi-Hula Hoop Ringe

CHF 750


Mini-Trampolin, muss aus Sicherheitsgründen neuwertig sein

CHF 1'000


Rundschlingen und Riggingmaterial

4 Vertikaltücher
CHF 600


Vertikaltuch 14m lang in rot, mit Abseilanker, von Unicycle Frankreich
4 Stück

CHF 4'500


Profi-Sport-Trampolin von Alder & Eisenhut, Rahmen 457 x 275 x 99 cm. Gewicht ca. 190 kg, muss aus Sicherheits- gründen neu sein

CHF 1'000


Eine grosse Kiste mit bunten Jonglagereifen, -bällen, -tüchern, -kegeln von der Firma Bersinger.

Folgendes Material  nehmen wir gerne als  Sachspende entgegen:




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Ein super Ganzkörper-trainingsgerät für eine bessere Haltung und ein gutes Gleichgewicht

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Haben Sie noch ein paar Stelzen zu Hause, die Sie nicht brauchen?

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Ein Einrad 🙂


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