
Circo Laheto, Goiânia (GO)

How it began

Gian Cadonau met circus people in Ecuador during a trip to South America and got in touch with Circo Laheto via Facebook.

The project

Originated in 1980 from socio-cultural work with Indians and squatters from the Baixo Araguaia-MT region.

The circus school opened its doors at the beginning of 2000 and is now called ESCOLA DE CIRCO LAHETO. Since then, activities have focused on supporting children and young people at risk in this region. To achieve its goals, Circo Laheto has formulated and carried out collective projects and activities based on ethical, aesthetic and political principles, aimed at making children aware of caring for themselves, for others and for the care of life. This perspective underlies the internal activities of the children and young people: circus arts activities (stilts, juggling, unicycle, diabolo, clown, acrobatic fabric and trapeze, among others) as well as theater, mathematics, activities to promote reading and the production of Brazilian texts, games and games, films, photography and digital art.

Support from Plume

2021 financial support for a new canvas tent.



New tent canvas project

The money for the new circus tent was collected in December 2021. The fabric was then ordered and installed for the first time in spring 2022. In the meantime, all courses can be held again.